• The member-consumer's facility is evaluated for compliance with all of the requirements of our electric tariff and general regulations for such alternative energy producers.

  • A meter that measures both kWhs generated and kWhs used is installed.

  • The interconnection allows member-consumers to purchase power from ACEC if their electricity needs exceed their facility's generating capacity.

Allamakee-Clayton Electric Cooperative and other rural electric cooperatives across the state joined together to form Iowa Choice Renewables, a partnership offering high-quality solar installations. We're not here to make a sale, but rather to be your partner as you consider the best options for your energy needs.

Iowa Choice Renewables brochure

Our wholesale power supplier, Dairyland Power Cooperative, uses a diverse mix of power sources to meet members' needs. DPC evaluates each potential power supply by project time, transmission access, levels of risk and financial impact. We work with DPC to provide safe, clean, affordable and reliable power to members.

DPC is recognized as an industry leader in renewable energy. DPC's board of directors and management staff have set a goal for 25 percent of its generation to come from renewable resources by 2025. Through diligent planning and a commitment to “do the right thing,” Dairyland is in step to meet new renewable energy standards and achieve that goal.

DPC Renewable Energy brochure

Geothermal heat pumps, also known as ground-source heat pumps, use the earth itself or groundwater by means of transferring heat. As the name implies, heat pumps simply move heat from one place to another. During the winter months, they collect and consolidate heat from the ground and move it inside; during the summer months, they reverse the flow and send warm, indoor air out. Systems are highly efficient, using a small amount of electricity to capture a large amount of free renewable energy from the earth.

Geothermal heat pumps come in two types: a groundwater (open loop) system uses well water and an earth-coupled (closed loop) model moves a water and antifreeze solution through underground pipes.

For more information on geothermal heat pumps, visit these websites:

Contact Ryan Wagner at (563) 864-7611 or toll free (888) 788-1551 for more assistance.